ATV Plastics Maintenance: Step-by-Step Cleaning Guide and Tips

We get it, you’ve been on your fair share of off-road escapades, and now your ATV is sporting a less-than-appealing ‘mud-caked’ look. Fear not! We completely understand the challenge of keeping those plastics looking sparkling clean.

With this comprehensive guide, we aim to transform your ATV cleaning regimen into an absolute breeze. Ready to dive right in?.

Key Takeaways

  • Keep your ATV plastics clean by using a good cleaner. Take off parts like seats and racks for deep cleaning.
  • Use a pressure washer to get dirt and grime off. Then scrub with soap and water.
  • Fix scratches with rubbing alcohol or heat gun. For cracks, use epoxy or plastic welder tools.
  • Use anti – mud coating on your ATV’s plastic to stop dirt from sticking after cleaning. After that, polish the plastic for better shine.
  • Muffler plugs keep out dirt from the exhaust pipe when you clean.
  • Degreasers help get rid of tough spots like oil and grease on your ride’s parts.
  • Get the right cleaning accessories like mud scraper, polishes, and scratch removers for best results in keeping your ATV looking new!

Preparing for ATV Plastic Cleaning

Action shot of a person energetically spraying water on an ATV.

Kick-off your ATV plastic cleaning by removing necessary components, then apply a burst of cleaner to get rid of loose dirt and grime. Spray down with cleaner making sure you cover every nook and cranny.

Remove components

We first take off parts from the ATV. It helps to clean every part better. Grab your tools and start by taking out the seats and racks. After that, remove any bolted-on body parts like fenders.

But be careful not to lose any screws! Doing this gets us ready for a deep clean of ATV plastics.

Spray down with cleaner

We begin by giving our ATV a good soak. A high-quality cleaner is our best friend for this job. We make sure to spray it on all the plastics, seat, tires, wheels and frame. Our next move is to grab a sponge.

It helps us scrub off the stuck dirt and mud from the plastics.

Dawn dishwashing fluid also works wonders here. It’s great at cutting through oils and grease lurking on our ATV. After going through all these steps of surface preparation, we are ready for plastic restoration which will bring back shine to our ride!

Washing Your ATV’s Exterior

A person cleans an ATV with a high-pressure washer in a serene outdoor space.

Start by using a pressure washer to remove the initial layer of grime and dirt from your ATV’s exterior. Afterwards, take some soap and water and scrub the plastic parts thoroughly.

This aids in removing any residual dirt and provides a cleaner surface for subsequent maintenance steps.

Use a pressure washer

We grab our pressure washer to start the cleaning. This powerful tool pumps out water at a high speed. It’s like a super hose! We use it to blast off dirt, grime, and oil from the ATV surface.

There’s no worry about hurting the ATV as these machines are tough. Our goal is to make our ride look its best by getting rid of all that stubborn muck clinging onto it.

Scrub with soap and water

Let’s get that dirt off our ATV! We grab a wash mitt or sponge, some soap and warm water. Soak the whole ATV first. This makes scrubbing easier. Now, put some soap on the mitt or sponge.

Start to clean all over the ATV with it. Make sure to cover every spot from wheels to handlebars. When we are done scrubbing, rinse off all that soapy water with clean water and dry it right after.

Dealing with Different Types of ATV Plastic Damage

Scratches on your ATV plastic can be a real eyesore, but with the right tools and techniques, these blemishes can be fixed. For resolving cracks in ATV plastics, professional help is usually required to ensure safe riding conditions.

If fading or discoloration troubles you, an application of specialized paint or polish can help restore the shine and vibrancy to the plastic parts.


We see scratches on ATV plastics a lot. Light ones often come from branches or bushes we ride through. Those are easy to deal with, as they don’t harm the ATV’s plastic surface much.

But deep scratches are more serious and need repair. Using rubbing alcohol first helps to clean the plastic area around the scratch. Then we can use a heat gun set on high to slowly erase those ugly marks off our beloved quads.

For deeper nicks that won’t go away, we apply a product called “plastic bonder.” It acts like filler for these dents in our toy’s armor, smoothing them out once again!


Cracks on your ATV can be a real pain. They could grow if left alone. We must stop cracks from spreading and causing more damage. First, we have to clean the crack area with soap and water.

Then dry it well before applying any repair tool like epoxy or plastic welder. Make sure you follow the instructions of these tools to get the best results!

Fading and discoloration

Fading and discoloration are common problems with ATV plastic. It can happen when the plastic is exposed to a lot of sun or left out in rough weather. This is because of oxidation, which eats at the material and leaves it looking worn down.

You might even feel that the texture gets rougher over time.

But don’t worry! There’s a way to bring your ATV back to life! Start by rinsing off all the dirt from your ride. Then mix up some boiled linseed oil and paint thinner – you’ll want about 40% oil and 60% thinner for this job.

Slather it on where you need it most, then let it do its magic.

White plastic might take a little extra work since dirt shows up more easily on this color than on others. A bit of elbow grease should set things straight though!

And here’s an insider tip: using liquid wax after restoring your faded plastic gives an added shine that really makes our ATVs look like new again! Note, always be sure to try these solutions on small areas first before applying over larger portions just in case they affect your ride’s finish differently than expected.

Restoring and Polishing ATV Plastic

After a thorough wash, it’s time to bring back the shine of your ATV plastics. Start by applying an effective anti-mud coating; this will not only enhance the look but also prevent dirt from sticking in future rides.

Next, use a high-quality ATV plastic cleaner or polish for a spotless finish. Remember, restoring and polishing your ATV plastic isn’t just about aesthetics — it also adds an extra layer of protection against harsh outdoor elements that can deteriorate your ride’s appearance over time.

Apply anti-mud coating

Our next step is to apply an anti-mud coating. This mud-resistant layer stops dirt from sticking to your ATV’s plastic. The process here is simple, just spray the coating all over the plastics on your ATV.

Don’t miss a spot! This protective coat makes sure that mud slides right off instead of drying and setting in. It saves us time and effort during future cleans too.

Use an ATV plastic cleaner or polish

We grab our ATV plastic cleaner or polish. It makes our rides shine like new! We spray it on and rub with a soft cloth. This gets rid of dirt, grime, and small scratches. A good polish also helps keep the color bright.

We sometimes use Super Clean to get rid of black mold. For tough spots, we might use an orbital buffer with a heavy agent. And for faded parts? Boiled linseed oil is great! This is how we care for our ATVs and keep them looking their best.

Tips for Maintaining and Protecting ATV Plastic

We recommend investing in a few key accessories such as muffler plugs and degreasers to help maintain your ATV plastic. These tools make a big difference, reducing the amount of hard scrubbing needed.

A good quality mud scraper is also worth having on hand for those stubborn areas with caked-on grime. Regular use of these items will not only keep your ATV plastic looking great but extend its lifespan too, saving you money in the long run.

Use muffler plugs

We need to talk about using muffler plugs. ATV riders know how important they are for exhaust pipe care! These handy tools keep dirt and water out of your ride’s tailpipe. No one wants a messy clean up or worse, having to fix damaged parts.

Muffler plugs can make cleaning safe and easy. They come in both rubber and plastic types that fit just right into the exhaust. Dirt bike exhaust mufflers are perfect examples. You’ll protect your ATV by keeping unwanted stuff out, all while avoiding damage during cleaning.

Consider using degreasers

We highly suggest using degreasers in ATV maintenance. These tough cleaners kick out stubborn dirt, oil, and grease on your ride’s plastic parts. After you spray them with degreaser, give the spots a good scrub with a brush.

This knocks out all the stuck-on gunk. But take caution! Keep degreasers away from areas where it might cause harm. It can sometimes make plastic parts peel or change color if not used right.

For deep cleaning tasks, hit the oily zones like swing arm and chain guards with some more of this magical stuff. Let it sit on your ATV for a few minutes before rinsing it off to let it do its job properly to get that shiny clean look we all love!

Invest in cleaning accessories

Buying the right cleaning tools helps keep your ATV in good shape. A plastic mud scraper is a must-have item. This tool gets rid of big chunks of dirt without harming the paint on your ride.

Grab some other stuff too, like plastic cleaners, polishes, and scratch removers.

If you see tough spots with caked-on mud or dirt, pre-soak your ATV first to make cleaning easier. Using these accessories will make sure every part of it is clean and shiny. Taking care of our rides means more fun times on the trails!


You now know how to make your ATV look brand new again. With the right tools and our handy guide, you can clean it from top to bottom. So start today! Give your ATV the care it deserves with these easy steps.


1. What do I need to clean ATV plastics?

To clean ATV plastics, you need warm water, mild soap, a soft cloth or sponge, and a non-abrasive towel for drying.

2. How often should I clean my ATV plastics?

You should wash your ATV plastics after every ride to keep them looking good and lasting long.

3. Can scratches be avoided on ATV Plastics?

Scratches are hard to avoid completely but using gentle cleaning methods can help reduce them.

4. Are there special products for cleaning ATV plastics?

Yes, there are specific cleaners made for ATV plastics that remove dirt without causing damage.

5. Does the sun damage the color of my ATV plastic?

Yes, over time the sun can fade the color of your ATV plastic if it’s not properly cared for.