ATV Storage for the Off-Season: Expert Guidance and Tips

You know the scenario, right? When the off-season rolls around, the unavoidable question pops up – what’s the correct way to store your ATV until the next season hits? It’s something we’ve also spent time thinking about.

In our quest for answers, we delved into all there is to know about offseason ATV storage and put together this handy guide just for you. You’ll get savvy advice on essentials like extending your battery’s lifespan, avoiding flat spots on tires, managing fuel levels – all to ensure your ride is primed and ready when spring shows its face again.

Let’s go ahead then; a well-organized off-season awaits with just a few expert tips!

Key Takeaways

  • Proper storage is important for your ATV. It extends its life and keeps it in top condition.
  • Prepare your ATV before storing. Clean it, change the oil, and take care of the battery.
  • Choose a good place to store your ATV. Outdoor sheds or indoor garages can keep it safe.
  • Add a fuel stabilizer to stop gas problems. Pump up tires to avoid going flat.

Why Proper ATV Storage is Important

A neatly organized garage showcases a sleek ATV with metallic shine.

Taking good care of your ATV during the off-season isn’t just about keeping it looking nice, it plays a key role in extending its lifespan, saving you from unnecessary and expensive repairs, and ensures that your ride is ready to hit the trails in top condition as soon as riding season rolls around.

Extend the lifespan of your ATV

Taking good care of your ATV extends its life. We must store it well in a cool and dry spot. Using a cover that can breathe wards off dust. Regular tasks such as switching the air filter and oil are key to making it last long.

It is best to clean all parts of the ATV before you put it away for a long time, especially the drive chain. Lubricating other moving parts also helps them from wearing out too soon.

This work assures us that our ATVs are ready to go when we need them next time.

Avoid costly repairs

Taking care of your ATV can save you a lot of money. Costly repairs can hit hard on the pocket if we do not take preventive measures. We know how tough it is to deal with big repair bills and lost riding time.

That’s why storing your ATV the right way is so important.

A well-stored ATV does not have many issues when the new season starts. You avoid mechanical problems and keep extra costs away. Remember, something as simple as placing a porous cover on your ATV can keep dust out and protect vital parts.

By doing these things, we save our future selves from trouble and cash spent on repairs.

Keep it in top condition for the next riding season

You want your ATV to be ready when the next riding season comes. A correctly stored ATV can make this happen. It stops rust and damage from showing up. You also dodge high repair fees later on.

Cleaning is the first task before storing an ATV away. We clean every part well and oil the chain drive to push back any rusting risk. Important too, is a full tank of gas with a fuel stabilizer mixed in it.

Doing this keeps moisture out and protects the engine parts inside from corrosion or gumming up from old gas sitting over time, adding further to the longevity of your beloved ATV machine!

Preparing Your ATV for Storage

A polished ATV in a well-equipped garage exudes professionalism and attention to detail.

Before the off-season hits, it’s essential to give your ATV a proper clean-up. Start by thoroughly washing the exterior and lubricating all moving parts. Next, look into necessary maintenance like changing your oil and filters as this will protect engine components during storage.

If you have any unused gas left in the tank, drain them out or consider adding a fuel stabilizer. Give some attention to your battery by disconnecting it for indoor storage or maintaining charge if stored on-board.

Lift those tires off the floor to avoid flat spots when stationary for long periods of time. Lastly, choose an appropriate cover to protect your ATV from dust and moisture while in storage.

Clean the exterior and lubricate moving parts

Let’s begin by giving our ATV a good clean. Grab a hose and wash off all the dirt from the body. Make sure to rinse out mud, leaves, or rocks stuck in hard-to-reach parts. Dry it well after to stop rust from forming.

Now we focus on moving parts like the drive chain. Apply grease to keep them working well and prevent wear. Regular cleaning and greasing fight against rust and dirt buildup too! It keeps our ATVs safe for riding next time around.

Perform maintenance tasks such as oil and filter changes

We should take care of our ATVs well. Part of this is doing tasks like changing the oil and filters. Before storing your ATV for a long time, we need to change its oil. Fresh oil protects the engine better.

We also have to replace both the oil filter and air filter.

Dirty filters cannot catch dirt or dust well. This may harm the engine. So, it’s best that we put in new ones before storage time comes around again. Doing these jobs will keep our ATVs safe and ready for when we use them next season!

Drain unused gas or add fuel stabilizer

We need to talk about your ATV’s fuel before storing it. Unused gas can cause problems if left in the tank for too long. To avoid this, we should drain any unused gas out of our ATV.

This is important as fuel only lasts 3 to 4 months. Using fresh gas with a stabilizer helps us store our ATV for longer times, even up to a year! If you have an ATV with a plastic fuel tank, draining the gas helps keep it safe from damage.

So remember, always deal with the gasoline first when preparing your ATV for storage!

Tend to the battery

Look after the battery too before storage. Freezing temperatures can hurt it. The case may crack or the plates may buckle under cold. So, we try to keep batteries in a place where it’s above 32°F.

We use a tool called a “battery tender” or a simple battery charger sometimes. It keeps the ATV’s battery full of power while stowed away. This way, using our ATVs again doesn’t cause issues and we get more life out of each battery!

Raise tires off the floor to prevent flat spots

Keeping your ATV’s tires off the ground is a key step in proper storage. Flat spots can form if tires sit too long in one place. Using blocks to lift your vehicle stops this problem.

This helps keep the shape of your tires and stop early wear and tear. It also keeps them safe from any hard, cold surfaces like frozen concrete that might harm them. You can also add more air to your tires before you store them for more protection against flat spots.

Choose a suitable cover

We have to pick a good cover for our ATV. It’s like a shield that will keep dirt and dust away. A porous, breathable fabric is best because it lets air flow but blocks water. This controls moisture and doesn’t let it build up on your ATV.

It’s clever to buy a cover that fights off critters too. Little animals might take shelter under the ATV if we leave it outside without cover. We want our ride ready when the new season starts, not filled with unwanted visitors! So, make sure you get a suitable cover for optimum protection.

Types of ATV Storage

Discover the various types of ATV storage options, including outdoor, enclosed, covered and elevated storage. We’ll guide you on making an informed decision that suits your particular situation.

Read on to explore each choice in detail!

Outdoor storage

Outdoor storage is great for ATVs. We build strong sheds to keep our rides safe in winter. A cool, dry place is best for your ATV. The shed shields the ATV from bad weather and things that can harm it.

Plus, we always use an ATV cover for extra care. It’s important not to forget about fire safety, too! Our sheds are placed far from tall trees and dry grasses that may catch fire easily.

Outdoor storage helps keep our ATVs in top shape ready for the next ride!

Enclosed storage

An enclosed storage is perfect for ATV riders. Think of it as a safe house for your ride. This kind of storage keeps our rides away from rain, sun, and snow. It’s like having a dedicated room just for our ATVs! Enclosed spaces are great because they give top-notch protection all year long.

In winter months, keeping an ATV in this spot stops problems before they start. We can be sure our buddies will be ready to roar once spring rolls around!

Covered storage

Covered storage is a great choice for our ATVs. We can keep them safe and sound in these special sheds. These spaces are just for ATVs! They give top protection from things like rain, sun, and snow.

The weather won’t hurt our favorite rides!

Some of us might also think about getting an indoor spot during the off-season. It’s one of the best options out there. For those who want to try this option, you’ll find that a 5′ x 20′ storage unit works well for most ATVs.

This way we know our rides have their own space until we’re ready to hop on again!

Elevated storage

Elevated storage is a good option for ATVs. With it, the ATV sits high off the ground. This keeps tires safe from flat spots. It also stops mouse and rat damage to wires and hoses.

Building one isn’t hard, but you can buy ready-made lifts too. They keep your ATV out of dirt, grime, and water puddles in the garage or shed. We like elevated storage because it keeps our ATVs dry and clean until we’re ready to ride again.

How to Winterize Your ATV for Storage

Winterizing your ATV is crucial before stowing it away for the cold months. Kick off the process by giving your ATV a thorough cleaning and lubricating all moving parts. Next, drain any surplus fuel from your machine, adding stabilizer to what’s left to prevent any damage during long-term storage.

Remember to safeguard the exhaust pipe; preventing moisture or critters from getting in can save you hassle later on. Always keep tires inflated even while in storage as this prevents flat spots and maintains their longevity.

Lastly, cover up your ATV with a suitable protective gear ensuring it weathers the winter without harm!

Clean and lubricate

Before we keep our ATVs away for the winter, it’s a must to clean and grease them. Dirt, mud or grit can cause rust. They can also lead to damage on moving parts. A good wash removes these risks.

Pay extra attention to the drive chain during this process as it gets dirty easily and needs proper care to last long.

Lubrication is another key step in our ATV maintenance routines for off-season storage. It keeps essential ATV components working smoothly after long periods of inactivity. It helps prevent corrosion too which can be harmful if allowed to build up over time.

Don’t forget about the battery, either! We like using trickle charging during storage period as it maintains the battery health well.

This way, come springtime and ready-to-ride weather, your ATV will be good as new!

Drain fuel and add stabilizer

Let’s talk about gas and storage. If your ATV sits for months, bad things happen to the gas. Old gasoline goes stale and can harm your vehicle’s engine. This is where draining fuel becomes important.

But what after we drain the fuel? We use a stabilizer. Adding a fresh combo of fuel and stabilizer to an empty tank stops this issue from happening. The mix keeps the gas good for three to four months! So don’t skip this step before you store your ATV!

Protect the exhaust pipe

We need to take good care of our ATV’s exhaust pipe during the winter. One way is to use a cover on the opening of the exhaust. This keeps critters out when we put away our ATV. Rust and corrosion can harm your exhaust, but plastic protectant and WD-40 work well to avoid this damage.

Simple steps like these keep our ATV safe from harm while it waits for us in storage for next season’s ride!

Inflate tires

We know it’s crucial to treat ATV tires right. Let’s pump them up full! Keeping them at the right tire pressure stops them from going flat when we don’t use our ATVs for a time. This helps keep the tires strong and ready for more fun rides next season.

A good tip is to lift the ATV off the ground, too. When weight isn’t pressing on the tires, they stay in great shape longer!

Cover your ATV

We all know winter can be tough on our ATVs. A good cover protects it from harsh weather. It stops ice, snow, and rain from harming your ride. Use a breathable material to stop dampness.

It lets air move so mold does not grow. We back covers made for outdoor use in the winter season. They give top-notch safety to your ATV when you’re not riding it due to cold weather conditions.

Tips for Storing Your ATV in a Garage

To keep your ATV in tip-top shape while stored in a garage, ensure you give it a thorough clean first to remove any dust or grime. Remember, an oil and air filter change goes a long way in prolonging its life.

Keep the battery charged for optimal performance once the off-season is over. Prevent flat spots by raising the tires off the floor and don’t forget the importance of good garage security for ultimate peace of mind during storage.

Clean the exterior

Dirt on your ATV can trap moisture. Moisture causes rust and decay. So, before you store your ATV, give it a good wash. Scrub off all the dirt and mud from the body. Use a gentle brush for hard to reach areas.

Make sure to rinse it well after cleaning too. Then dry it fully with a clean towel or let it air dry in the sun for best results. A clean exterior guards against rust build-up during storage time.

Change oil and air filter

We must change the oil and air filter in our ATV before storing it. This keeps the engine fresh. Old oil can hurt the engine over time, even when we aren’t using it. So we must not forget to run the motor a bit after changing the oil.

It helps move around the new oil inside. Changing an air filter is important as well for regular checks and care of our ride. Doing these things can make our ATV live longer!

Keep battery charged

Let’s store your ATV right! One key step is to keep the battery charged. A dead battery can be a real downer, especially when the new season starts. So, what should you do? First, use a battery tender to give it a full charge before you stash away your ATV for winter storage.

This will help prevent loss of charge and save your battery from damage. Here is a trick: take out the battery while storing it long-term. This will stop more charge loss. And don’t forget about where you store that battery! Cool, dry places are best to make sure its life lasts longer and stays free from damage.

That’s how we care for our ATV batteries during off-season times!

Raise tires off the floor

Lifting your ATV tires off the ground is a smart move. It keeps your tires and suspension system in good shape. You can avoid fast wear and tear this way. Use blocks to get your quad off the cold floor.

The right tire pressure matters too. Check it before you store your ATV, then fill up those tires good! Avoid storing ATVs where water stands on the floor—this can damage them more than help!

Invest in garage security

We need to talk about protecting your ATV in the garage. Not just from dust and rust, but also from thieves. Garage safety is a big deal when we store our ATVs at home. Put a good chain lock on your ATV.

Think about putting in a security system too. This can keep an eye on your ATV when you can’t. It’s worth every penny to keep our precious ATVs safe!


Taking good care of your ATV makes it last longer. Clean it well before putting it away. Change the oil and look after the battery too. Following these tips will help keep your ATV safe in the off-season!


1. Where should I store my ATV during the off-season?

You should store your ATV inside a dry, clean and safe place like a garage or shed during the off-season.

2. How can I prepare my ATV for storage in the off-season?

To prepare your ATV for storage, remove any dirt, top off fluids, disconnect battery and use a cover to protect it from dust.

3. Do I need to deflate my ATV tires before storing?

No, you should not deflate your ATV tires before storing but ensure they are properly inflated to prevent flat spots.

4. What is the importance of cleaning an ATV before storage?

Cleaning an ATV removes dirt and grime that can damage parts over time if left unchecked during long-term storage.

5. Can I just park my ATV outside in the snow for winter instead of storing it away?

No, leaving your ATV outside exposed to harsh weather like snow may lead to more wear and tear over time.