Common Repairs on ATVs

No matter what kind of vehicle you’re driving, problems with the battery, tires, and cables are always going to be a part of your life. Hence, you need to know how to do these common repairs on ATVs to deal with them as swiftly and efficiently as possible.

Common Repairs on ATVs

You’ll want to read ATVA’s detailed information below:


First, if you have left your ATV asleep for a bit too long, were away or using another sort of vehicle, simply forgot your lights on at night, or anything else that can consume electricity, you might very well wake up to a dead battery.

The artless solution to this problem is to use a multimeter in order to know where your battery stands. If it’s at anything less than 12V, then you need to charge it through a battery booster and alligator clips.

On the other side of the spectrum, if you have had this battery for a long time, and you noticed that it doesn’t turn on as quickly as it once did, or it runs out of power way too fast, then it might be time for a replacement battery.

2. Tires

Tires do definitely come in as a close second in regards to the frequency of repairs. These repairs are, in general, classified into two categories; either the pressure of the tires, which has a ton of consequences, or punctures, which are a natural happenstance to any sort of vehicle.


You’re on the road, and you feel that your tire is flapping. Naturally, you would get it checked; then you would have it filled with air.

The paramount spec to keep in mind is that the pressure of the air you allow into your tire has to be the manufacturers’ recommended pressure, which should be found in your owners’ manual.

Don’t ever resort to the maximum pressure that your tires can handle because that will boost the bounce factor, which can easily force you off your ATV in the middle of the road.


ATV tires are normally incredibly thick and durable. Nevertheless, punctures possibility is never thrown out of the window’. More often than not, these punctures aren’t reversible nor fixable.

Consequently, it’ll be much better for you to exchange the tire with the replacement that you ought to have in your garage so that you don’t affect the frame of the ATV negatively, needlessly.

3. Cleaning and Lubricating

There are so many parts on an ATV that you need to clean, maintain, and constantly lubricate in order to keep it operating optimally. We’ll speak about the most important ones momentarily.

Air Filter

Cleaning the air filter is as important as it’s easy. You need to extract the filter and wipe it on the outside to remove any dirt, gunk, grease, and anything that has found its way to the filter.

Then, you would have to soak it in the cleaning solution for the proper period indicated by both your users’ manual and the solution. Next, take the filter out, squeeze it, and let it dry completely before replacing it.


To clean your motorcycle chain, you’ll need a tough brush and degreaser. What you want to do is put your brush in the degreaser and then keep on cleaning each and every part of the chain. Roll it all around so that you’ve got all of the sides and surfaces.

Brake Cables and Clutch

In order to avoid the constant cables’ replacement, you need to degrease and lube them consistently. In order to do just that, you’ll need a spray straw which will be inserted into the cable after you disconnect it, of course. Then, you’ll inject the loop inside and let it sit and do its thing.

4. CV Boots

The CV boots or chronic velocity boots’ job is to keep the grease inside of the joint. Thus, when they break, you’ll find oil leaking out of them and actively ruining the axle shaft and the entire joint while allowing dirt inside.

Nevertheless, the solution couldn’t be more straightforward. You would only need to buy new CV boots, remove the axle shaft, and replace them after cleaning the entire space.

Final Thoughts

This is our look on the most common repairs on ATVs as they are the problems that you might face daily.

Consequently, it’s always wise to have all of your needed materials present in your garage so that you can nip the problem at the bus without further trauma.